The intake process for prison
Inmate processing, formally known as the prison intake process involves many steps. These will vary in each prison however generally, the following process to serve a prison sentence can be expected in some shape or form throughout Federal prisons.
Arrest and sentencing
If you’ve been arrested and jailed for a crime, you will first stay in a local jail during your court process until a jury and/or judge rules on your sentence.
Determining your prison destination
Once you’ve received your court sentence, you will be evaluated to determine your prison destination based on your classification into one of six security levels which for the State of Virginia, are described in this link. The factors and steps involved in your classification will likely include:
- Your criminal offense
- Length of your sentence
- Medical examination
- Psychological examination
- Drug test
- Interview(s)
You may spend time in multiple facilities prior to your final prison destination including your local jail and the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ primary processing center in Oklahoma. A full list of the BOP’s locations can be viewed here.
The intake process
Once at your final prison destination, the personal property you’ve brought with you will be evaluated for its eligibility to remain with you versus put into prison storage or shipped to your home address (at your own expense). “Civilian clothing” which is any clothing not issued by the prison, is usually not allowed to remain with an inmate, nor is jewelry. If you’re preparing to go to prison, you can read our article “What Can You Bring to Jail or Prison?” here.
You’ll receive an orientation to your prison facility’s rules, services, and procedures including the commissary where you can purchase basic items not otherwise provided by the prison, visitation rights, and the types of items you can receive from outside sources such as books, letters, etc.
Treatment plans and programs
At your prison facility, you’ll be assigned to a counselor who will help you in preparing for prison by developing a personalized remediation treatment plan and assign you to recreation programs, health services, and other services as needed. Your cooperative participation in these programs will ensure a smooth transition process through your incarceration and can help you to quality for early or timely release for good behavior.
We can help you to prevent incarceration
If you or someone you love needs lawyers in Harrisonburg VA with expertise in criminal cases, we invite you to schedule a FREE consultation with our bi-lingual English/Spanish team. We can also help you to hire a translator if you need legal assistance in any other language. Consultations typically require less than one hour during which time we will review your case and advise on next steps.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.